GCSE Mathematics

Why Study Mathematics?

All students will study GCSE Mathematics in Years 10 and 11.

Studying Mathematics will help students to develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts.

It will help them to acquire, select, and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems, reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions.

It also helps them to comprehend, interpret, and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

What will I learn?

Students will cover the whole curriculum content of the 6 main strands of Mathematics:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Geometry and Measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics

There are three assessment objectives in each examination paper:

  • AO1 – Use and apply standard techniques
  • AO2 – Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically
  • AO3 – Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts

In summary, there is a greater emphasis on problem solving and mathematical reasoning and communication, with more marks now being awarded to these higher- order skills and worded problems.

How will I be assessed?

There are 3 examination papers that students will take in the summer term of Year 11.

There are two tiers of entry and a new grading structure has been introduced in recent years, from grade 9-1, to replace the familiar A* – G grading scale.

  • Foundation tier: Grades 1 – 5
  • Higher tier: Grades 4 – 9

For both tiers:

  • Paper 1 –  non-calculator assessment (80 marks)
  • Paper 2 – calculator assessment (80 marks)
  • Paper 3 – calculator assessment (80 marks) – students will be required to memorise formulae

All papers are 1 hour and 30 minutes long.


 Which course will I follow?

Course Title: Pearson’s Edexcel GCSE Mathematics
Exam Board: Edexcel
Specification: GCSE 9-1 Mathematics

What equipment will I need?

All students will need a scientific calculator, pair of compasses, protractor (angle measurer), as well as pen, pencil, ruler, rubber.

The Academy may be able to provide study guides but if you wanted to support your child at home, revision guides should be written to support the Pearson Edexcel course.

Where can GCSE Mathematics lead to?

Students can progress from this qualification to Level 3 qualifications in numerate disciplines, such as:
● Core Mathematics
● GCE Mathematics and GCE Further Mathematics
● GCEs in the Sciences
● GCE Geography
● GCE Psychology
● GCE Economics

and other qualifications that require mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding.

There is a clear progression path from Foundation tier to Higher tier within this qualification. This qualification also supports further training and employment where mathematical skills are required.

How can I support my child with Maths?

  • Talk to them about their Maths work. Encourage them to explain their methods and how to solve certain problems.
  • Quiz them on formulae and ways of working out.
  • Regularly check their planner and Edulink for homework that is set and remind them to complete it on time and in detail.
  • Century Tech, Mathswatch and Kerboodle are all useful online resources to support with Maths work and independent study, encourage your child to use them regularly.