Introduction to Options

Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Options Site.

The Key Stage 4 Options journey begins here, with the Options Evening on 30th January 2025.

During this evening you will learn about:

  • The Options Process and how it works
  • How options can link to future courses and careers
  • The compulsory subjects
  • The English Baccalaureate
  • Home Languages
  • The options subjects

Following the presentation from the Principal, you will have the opportunity to visit the subject marketplace in the Sports Hall. You will be able to meet and talk to subject staff to learn more about each course and to ask any questions you may have.

Careers Theme in L4L

This evening is just the start of the process. The next steps will be the ‘Careers’ theme delivered in L4L lessons. Within this theme students will be introduced to a range of information to help develop an understanding of the future pathways available to them at 16, 18 and in their future career.

Options Handbook and Options Site

This handbook is designed to be used with the Options pages on the WBCA website where you can find information on every subject. The website can be found from the link on the Student Portal. Please take time to visit the Options site and take a look at the information that different departments have provided.  These will give you some insight into what the course looks like, how it is assessed and what it can lead to in later education.


If you have questions about particular qualifications, home languages etc, please email and Mrs McQueen our Exams Officer will be able to help.



Soon, you will have to make the first major choices to put you on your future path.

You will need to choose a minimum of three subjects to study and there will be a number of subjects that you will no longer study from the start of Year 10.

Subjects taken at this stage of your education can restrict the options that you will have available to you when you are looking to take Post-16 courses, so it is essential that you take the time to make well informed decisions. We are all here to help and advise you every step of the way.