Applications now open for year 7 entry in September 2025

Communication with You

Parents and Carers

If you want to talk to us about one of your children you can ring the main Academy phone line (0121 393 4850) or come into Reception to make an appointment.

First Point of Contact

Due to the way we run our curriculum your child’s Form Teacher should be the initial point of contact. We always want to hear from you and will respond as quickly as possible. We will also provide information to you in the following ways:

EDULINK – Emails and Text Messages

We use Edulink to send updates via email and text. Please ensure that we have a working email address and mobile number for you and inform us if your details (including home address) change. You are able to reply to emails and text messages, which will provide a direct dialogue between families and the Academy.

EduLink One is also how we share reports of your child’s progress with you – please download the app and log in regularly to keep track of your child’s progress.

For more information and help with Edulink, click here: Parent Guide for Edulink One v1

Edulink - Reports and exam results

You will receive regular assessment information (3 times per year) and a full end of year report via Edulink Reports and email. We can also provide paper copies upon request. 

Edulink - Letters

Letters will be sent to you via email but will also be uploaded to the website here.

We will also publish information on the Edulink Noticeboard.

Edulink - Consent Forms for trips and events

We will publish letters for trips, events and consent forms through Edulink where consent forms can be filled in online. If you have any difficulties logging in please contact main reception who can help you with password resets or anything else that you may need. 

wbca WEbsite

On this website, our Hub Centre will keep you updated with the latest news, dates and events and acts as a constantly updated online newsletter.

The Student Portal

Each student will have access to the Student Portal with a unique username and password. This is where their online learning will take place, and they can find details of news, events and competitions.


Most importantly, do contact us whenever you feel the need to; it is better to let us know something before it becomes an issue. The more we communicate with each other, the more of a partnership we develop.