Parents and Carers
At West Bromwich Collegiate Academy we believe that homework is an important part of students’ learning journey. Homework is often used to provide the vital background knowledge needed before a new idea is studied in class. It is also used to consolidate and embed the knowledge gained by students in lessons.
Homework takes place in four ways:
1. Online Homework
Students will be set online homework in Maths via Mathswatch. They may also receive online homework via the Student Portal. These promote consolidation of work done in class and are given at regular intervals throughout the year with designated times for completion.
Homework Clubs will be available for any students who do not have access to a computer or the internet at home. We will ensure that students have an opportunity to attend a Homework Club before online homework is due to be completed.
2. Flipped Homework
This is homework that set in advance of a lesson and is usually work that needs to be done in preparation for the lesson. For example, it could be commenting on the class online discussion forum to show their existing knowledge or watching a video in advance of discussing it. It could be to read a chapter of a book or to visit a website and answer a few questions. Flipped Learning allows students to apply their knowledge in class, rather than spending time learning the basics in lessons time. This allows students to make progress more quickly. It is essential that all homeworks are completed but Flipped Homework is vital to allow all students to make rapid progress.
3. Project Based Homework
We have some larger pieces of homework which may be set over a period of several weeks or over a school holiday. Extended homeworks give students opportunities to showcase their talents. For example, it may be to create a model cell or to write a report on a full novel. These projects are as stretching as the desire and attitude of the student to do well.
4. Class Homework
Finally, students will be set homework tasks from their class teachers. These could be any type of homework. Where students need consolidation in areas such as spelling, handwriting or mathematics, they may receive additional tasks to help them catch up to the required standard.
Homework Expectations
Students are provided with a Student Planner. This is their diary where they are instructed to record all homework tasks and deadlines. Teachers will remind and support students to do this but we also expect students to quickly gain independence and responsibility for their work. Homework details will also be recorded on the Student Portal, in an area that students can access.
If homework is not completed by the deadline with no good reason then we will contact home and provide an opportunity for the student to attend Homework Club (afterschool or during a break or lunchtime) to complete the homework. If the problem persists, a sanction, such as a detention, will be issued.