We announced via text and email earlier this morning that unfortunately due to the poor weather conditions, we have had to close the Academy today.
Students should check their class Teams for work that has been set by teachers.
Year 11 students should continue to revise for upcoming exams.
There are some instructions for tasks and links below.
Subject | Task |
Year 7 | |
L4L | Spellings, Sparx Reader, Oak Academy Links to lessons linked to current theme, Seneca |
Drama | Work through these short videos to build on your skills and knowledge of how to improvise in performance – https://edu.digitaltheatreplus.com/collections/how-to-improvisation?utm_campaign=share-feature |
Year 8 | |
L4L | Seneca Geography revision tasks for our Coming and Going theme. Links have been posted on class teams. |
Music | Chrome Music Lab Exploration: Links have been posted on class teams |
Year 9 | |
L4L | Seneca Contextual Knowledge for Tragedy theme (World War 2). Links have been posted on class teams. |
Music | Chrome Music Lab Exploration: Links have been posted on class teams |
Year 10 | |
Maths | Exam revision material for December mocks- Maths watch and Sparx Maths |
History A Band and B Band | Seneca Assignments for 18thc and 19thc Medicine. Students must also use the time to complete homework and any catch up work they have been set |
Drama | Go to this link and watch the collection of videos on stock characters from Commedia Dell’Arte – https://edu.digitaltheatreplus.com/collections/how-to-commedia-dellarte?utm_campaign=share-feature |
Psychology | Revise topics Memory and Research Methods. Set on Teams but also given handout yesterday. Exam will now be on Friday instead. |
RS | Seneca Assignments set to consolidate learning – Due Friday 22nd Nov |
Music | Revision, videos and a quiz focusing on African Music. Posted in Teams https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zhsny4j/revision/1 |
Year 11 – Should be revising for remaining mock exams. | |
RS | Revising for upcoming exams (Paper 2). Instructions have been provided on teams page. |
Music | Revision, videos and a quiz focusing on African Music. Posted in Teams https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zhsny4j/revision/1 |
Computer Science | Independent study on Representing Images. Seneca: https://app.senecalearning.com/dashboard/class/rzl5a6ytja/assignments/assignment/eca783b6-d07c-495c-8240-03cc1cc2bbf7? |
Drama | Make sure Unit 2 Task 1 (Creative Brief) is complete and Task 2 (Development Logs) are up to date. |
Maths | Exam papers revision material including videos and worked solutions to revise. |
English | Revise for AQA English Language Paper 2 exam taking place tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNABpS74SZ4 https://shireland.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/teams/Section_WBCA11sEn124/Class%20Materials/Language%20paper%202%20-%20Viewpoint%20Writing/All%20language%20paper%202%20past%20papers.pptx?d=wfaa1301f6d344dce9e932d0b67f02faf&csf=1&web=1&e=LUDgVM |
Science | Revision for Physics Paper 1 |