Business Studies


The vision of the Business Studies Department here at WBCA is to provide opportunities through an ambitious curriculum, designed to give all pupils the necessary knowledge and skills they need to live in a business orientated society.  The Business curriculum is planned to develop and embed an understanding of financial literacy concepts that link to real life scenarios. Pupils have opportunities to develop and explore their financial awareness, making links to Post-16 life in order to master the skills needed to become financially prepared to manage their personal finances as well as link their understanding to business finance.

Year 7 and 8

Aspects of Business are covered within the L4L curriculum.

Year 9

Aspects of Business are covered within the L4L curriculum. Year 9 students who wish to take GCSE Business in Year 10 can choose it as one of their options choices.

Our Business curriculum equips students with the skills and confidence to explore how different business situations affect decision-making. They develop their understanding of concepts, objectives and terminology, and the impact of contemporary issues on business operations.

We aim for our students to apply their knowledge and understanding to different business contexts. These include businesses ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts. We also intent for our students to develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour and the habits of customers.

Our Business curriculum requires students to apply their knowledge and understanding to business decision making. This includes:

  • The interdependent nature of business activity, influences on business, business operations, finance, marketing and human resources; and how these interdependencies underpin business decision making.
  • How different business contexts affect business decisions.
  • The use and limitation of quantitative and qualitative data in making business decisions.

Drawing on the knowledge and understanding above, we aim to equip our students to develop the following skills:

  • Use business terminology to identify and explain business activity.
  • Apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts
  • develop problem solving and decision-making skills relevant to business.
  • Investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues.
  • Make justified decisions and recommendations using both qualitative and quantitative data including its selection, interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and the application of appropriate quantitative skills.

Being closely linked to Mathematics, students will also learn calculations in a business context, including:

  • Percentages and percentage changes
  • Averages
  • Revenue, costs and profit
  • Gross profit margin and net profit margin ratios
  • Average rate of return
  • Cash-flow forecasts, including total costs, total revenue and net cash flow

Interpretation and use of quantitative data in business contexts to support, inform and justify business decisions, including:

  • Information from graphs and charts
  • Profitability ratios (gross profit margin and net profit margin)
  • Financial data, including profit and loss, average rate of return and cash-flow forecasts
  • Marketing data, including market research data
  • Market data, including market share, changes in costs and changes in prices
We aim for our students to be able to articulate and write knowledgeably about business, enterprise and the economy, using subject specific language accurately and confidently. They should be able to utilise Business specific skills such as making links between different units of work; analysing and interpreting business case studies and understanding financial information and language.

Key Stage 4

GCSE Business is designed to introduce you to the fast moving, dynamic world of Business.  It is a challenging and rewarding learning experience, aiming to reflect the way in which businesses operates in a modern society.  This qualification equips learners with the skills and confidence to explore how different business situations affect business decisions. It is a well-rounded introduction to the subject and the management of finances. The qualification will encourage learners to make informed choices about a wide range of further learning opportunities and career pathways as well as develop life skills that enable them to become financially and commercially aware.

GCSE Business

Enrichment Opportunities for Business

Students will have opportunities to participate in a wide range of enrichment activities, such as being part of the WBCA Business Club. There will also be a number of guest speakers, scheduled talks and workshops with industry professionals and experience, which will help to highlight potential career pathways to our students. After-school consolidation lessons and drop-in sessions are also delivered to ensure maximum progress.