

Each topic studied in KS3 is taught on rotation over two terms. It is designed to introduce or develop the relevant skills needed to support pupils in exploring music throughout the curriculum and independently. The topics selected are intended to highlight to pupils how musical styles are linked and influence one another and how the styles they listen to today are produced and performed. By investigating history, performance and composition, pupils are able to discover their talents and increase self-confidence, creativity and a sense of achievement. 

The topics chosen will allow pupils to meet at least one of the National Curriculum aims:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. 
  • Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence.
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, texture, structure, and appropriate musical notations. 


Year 7 Curriculum

Year 7




Introduction to Music

James Bond 007

Theme and Variation

·         Baseline Assessment

·         Rhythmic Performance

·         Composing rhythmic pieces as a soloist and an ensemble

Timbre Time

·         Introduction to ensemble melodic performance

·         Performing to create a specific effect

·         Exploration of minor keys and dissonance


·         Composing using variation technique

·         Introduction to music technology

·         Introduction to compositional techniques

·         Introduction to the orchestra and instrumental timbres

·         Introduction to performance techniques using the electronic keyboard

Year 8 Curriculum

Year 8

Rotation 1

Rotation 2

Video Game Music

Jazz and Blues

·         Developing performance skills using specific performance techniques

·         Performing accurately in a minor key as a soloist

·         Understanding the effect of music within a video game


Theme Park Structures

·         Introduction to jazz and blues

·         Ensemble performance

·         Focus on improvisation and the blues scale

·         Introduction to a variety of more developed musical structures including binary form, ternary form and rondo form.

·         Composing for a specific effect using compositional devices

Year 9 Curriculum

Year 9

Rotation 1

Rotation 2

Music of the Caribbean

Synth Pop

·         Developing performance skills using specific performance techniques

·         Performing accurately in A Major as part of a small ensemble

·         Understanding the socio-historic development of reggae music from its original origins


Film Music

·         Introduction to synth pop

·         Solo realisation using music technology


·         Introduction to a variety of more developed musical terminology including diegetic, non-diegetic and leitmotif.

·         Performing a variety of different film themes as a soloist and as part of an ensemble


Homework is set on a fortnightly basis. This may involve pupils completing a listening exercise, practicing their music theory or researching a concept relevant to the topic

Key Stage 4

Pupils who choose to continue studying Music at Key Stage 4 will be studying the OCR GCSE Music qualification.

This course is 60% coursework, or Non-Examination Assessment and 40% examination.

It includes a minimum of 2 performances lasting a minimum of 4 minutes, 1 minute of which must be an ensemble. 

There are 2 compositions: one from a set brief from the exam board and another as a free brief.


Year 10




Performance 1: Solo 1






Performance 2: Solo 2




Performance 3: Solo and Ensemble


Appraising: Area of Study 3 ‘Rhythms of the World’



Composition: Introduction to Compositional Techniques


Composition: Practice Composition (Compositional Techniques)


Composition: Draft Composition 1 (Free Choice)


Appraising: Area of Study 5 ‘Popular Music’


Appraising: Area of Study 2 ‘The Concerto Through Time’


Appraising: Area of Study 3 ‘Rhythms of the World’


Year 11




Performance 3: Final Solo

Ensemble 2






Performance 4: Final Ensemble




Revision for Appraising Exam


Composition: Final Free Choice Composition

Draft Set Brief Composition


Composition: Final Set Brief Composition


Revision for Appraising Exam


Appraising: Area of Study 4 ‘Film Music’


Appraising: All Areas of Study

A of S 2: The Concerto

A of S 3: Rhythms of the World

A of S 4: Film Music

A of S 5: Popular Music

Revision for Appraising Exam