Applications now open for year 7 entry in September 2025

Dear Family


It feels almost impossible that it has been a week already since we returned to the Academy. This has been a very busy week with timetables, covid testing, exploring our new facilities and welcoming back our students new and old. Our new Year 7 students have been fantastic and settled really well into the Academy.

This letter contains some key reminders and information for you for the rest of this term.


Nut Free Academy

Firstly, can I please remind all families we are a nut free Academy, we have some students who could have a very serious reaction so please ensure they are not brought into the Academy or ingredients in cakes or chocolate bars which students may have in packed lunches. No one would wish to be responsible for a student being taken seriously ill.

Smart Watches

We are adapting our uniform code to include Smart Watches on the list of things students should not bring to the Academy. This includes any item which can send or receive messages, access the internet or make calls. Wristwatches or fitness accessories which purely count steps are fine.

Covid Testing at Home

We have undertaken covid testing twice for all students who have given consent to the Academy.

The government guidance is that students should continue to test at home twice weekly to be sure they have not contracted the virus.

To facilitate this we will be providing students with consent with a pack of 7 tests next week and again in week 5. These will be distributed to students by form teachers.

Open Evening

On September 15th we will be holding our Open Evening 4:30 to 8:30pm. This is a very busy night for us and we will want many of our fantastic students to act as guides and demonstrators, a sign-up sheet will come round shortly. If you know interested families, please let them know about the event, there is no sign up required for visitors, copies of our prospectus are also now available from reception or online.

Here is a link to an online copy of our prospectus, should you be interested: WBCA-Prospectus-2021.pdf


Speaking of sign-up sheets, our extra-curricular sign-up sheets will also be coming out next week with clubs looking to start from Week 3. The pack will include permission slips and a short description of each club. Where clubs are oversubscribed, they may be operated on rotation. Some clubs require a trial or audition for participation.

Car Parking

The car park continues to be busy and is likely to remain so, especially at the end of the day. We would always encourage students who can, to walk or cycle to the Academy. Otherwise, there are some bays on the main road at the front of the Academy or the ability to drop students close by and then for them to walk a short distance if you wish to avoid the busy car park.

Please avoid dropping students at the vehicle entry point before the drop off area as it can be dangerous for them if a car comes round the outside and can cause cars to be backed up onto Kelvin Way.

Breakfast Club

From Tuesday next week students will be able to have cereal at school for free from 8:25am -8:45am or they can purchase other breakfast items, provided they have money on their Parent Pay account. We were hoping to begin on Monday but have not yet had the delivery through.

Edulink, Epraise and Key Dates

Early next week you will receive another letter with instructions on how you can access information about your child online via Edulink One and Epraise. We will also publish a provisional calendar of key dates and events for your reference.

Final Message

I would like to thank the students for their patience, hard work and kindness as we have set up this week and for all the supportive messages we have had from students and parents. I wish you a pleasant weekend.

Yours sincerely


George Faux
