Applications now open for year 7 entry in September 2025

Dear All

With next week only a week away we include the text of the Principal’s Start of Term Letter. This is being posted to all families.


Start of Term Letter – 27-08-19


Dear Families

I hope you have had a fantastic summer holiday. With only a week until students start with us, I wanted to write to you with a few updates, a few reminders and some information to make the first day as smooth as possible. The first reminder is that term begins for students on Wednesday 4th September and students need to be at the Academy before registration begins at 8:45am. All gates will be open from 8:20am.


General Update

I am writing this from our new building; you will be pleased to hear that it was handed over in time and will absolutely be ready for the students on Wednesday. The staff have all begun work and we are in the process of six training days to ensure that we are ready for the new term.


First Day Drop Off

On the first day students should come to the playground (If it is raining they will be brought into the canteen). There will be plenty of staff on hand to make sure that students get to where they need to be. Please note that parents cannot accompany students past the secure fence line.

If you are dropping students off by car please be aware the drop off area is one way and the entrance is at the midpoint of the front fencing on Kelvin Way.


First Day Equipment

Students are not required to bring their PE kit on the first day as they will spend the day in their form groups. Students will be given their timetables during the day and normal lessons will commence the next day, Thursday 5th. Please note there will be no swimming in the first half term.


Student Photographs

On the first day we will be having every student’s photograph taken by a professional photographer to put on our system. The photographer will also be offering these photos for parents to purchase if they wish. I’m sure students will look fantastic on their first day at the Academy and we are having these photos taken first thing as well as a whole Academy photo. Students will also have a fingerprint (just one) taken to access the cashless purchase of food on site.


Parent Pay Meals

As an Academy we will run a cashless catering service. This is taking a little longer than expected due to the installation of the tills and connecting the various ICT bits together. Because of this the Academy has taken the decision that meals will be free for students and staff until such time as the Parent Pay system becomes operational for you. We hope that this will put your mind at rest and this is a good opportunity for students to try the food from our catering team. If students wish to bring a packed lunch they are of course more than welcome to do so.


Student Safety

Over the summer we have been collating medical information from the forms you have kindly sent us and ensuring staff are trained to respond to students’ conditions. As part of this we are aware we have a student who has a severe exposure nut allergy. Because of this we are going to be a NUT FREE Academy. Please if you are bringing a packed lunch or if it is your child’s birthday and they wish to bring treats for their friends please ensure there are no nuts. Our kitchen will not be serving any foods which contain nuts.

A reminder that if your child requires either an inhaler or an Epi Pen to ensure that your child brings the appropriate device or that you have contacted the Academy to make appropriate arrangements.

If your child needs to update their medical information because of something that has happened over the summer, please ensure you contact the Academy. It is also very important to contact the Academy if you have a change of any contact details so we can get hold of you in an emergency.


Mobile Phones / Detentions

A reminder that mobile phones are not permitted on site and that if seen they will be confiscated and parents asked to come and collect them. We will contact you if there is an issue with your child. Please also note the Academy has the right to keep a student for up to 10 minutes past the 3:10pm end of the Academy day. If for any reason we would look to keep a student longer than this we would contact you.


If you have any questions about any of the above, or any other questions, please contact the Academy at The entire staff cannot wait to see the students and begin our exciting journey together.


Yours sincerely


George Faux
