GCSE Results DAY - Thursday, 22nd August, 9am - 12pm

This Thursday brings our very first GCSE Results Day!

A reminder that our ex-Year 11 students can collect their GCSE results from WBCA this Thursday, 22nd August, between 9am and 12pm.

We are looking forward to seeing all students again and lots of staff will be on hand to offer any advice or support that is needed. Representatives from Sixth Forms in the Shireland Trust will also be present in case students want to sign up with them.

If students are no longer able to collect their results in person, they must email Mrs Henderson and Mrs McQueen, nominating a named person to collect on their behalf. This named person must bring photo ID with them when they collect the results.

We cannot release any results unless we have this request in writing (email) from the student.
If your child has asked for results to be posted home, we will do this asap.

We are also required to collect student destinations data – where students are heading to next (college, sixth form, apprenticeship etc) – for the next three years and will ask for this information before students leave.

Wishing everyone the best of luck!

Kind regards,
Mrs Henderson