Here you can find useful links and updates about Careers, Skills and Enterprise in celebration of National Careers Week.
Although students may not begin to seriously consider their career options until Years 9, 10 and 11, it is important be aware of the skills and qualifications that are required for different industries, and also to be aware of the opportunities that are available in the local area.
WBCA Students have access to a bespoke Careers Portal (found by logging into the Student Portal). This provides all sorts of information about a huge variety of industries and students will be directed to it as part of their Careers Education within PSHE and Personal Development sessions, as well as within the curriculum when opportunities arise.
This year, for the first time young people and families can take part in a Virtual Careers Fair
Explore the virtual space to learn about several different employers and the roles on offer.
Here is a useful Careers Guide for Parents and Carers:
BBC Bitesize have a section designated to Careers that is updated regularly – this can be accessed here.