Applications now open for year 7 entry in September 2025

The First Student Blog

This week form 7.7 is taking over WBCA’s social media.

Watch out for our posts this week. The first is below:

Hi! Our post today contains ‘new beginnings of WBCA’. You might be worried about joining Year 7 at first. We are Alex, Celeste, Ryan and Michelle and we have represented WBCA for one week and three days. We are part of form 7.7 and this is our new beginning!

That’s all from us for now, goodbye!


Our First Music Lesson

Yesterday we had our first music lesson! We are really looking forward to learning Music. The instruments we would like to learn are the drums and piano.

The lesson yesterday was fun and we are looking forward to going to the studio to play some of the new instruments.


Our First Art class

(by Sania, Sandhya and Gillianna)

Hello, we are 7.7 (Mrs Hughes’ class). As you already know we are leading the social media for the school this week. Today we are going to tell you about our first Art class. In our first Art class, we practiced how to use different pencils and how to create tone using pressure. It was fun!

Our Art teacher is Miss Haycock.



Creating our Library

In the last five days, the students of WBCA have been trying very hard to get the library up and running. We all can’t wait to get started! The books have been packed away neatly on shelves and we are all volunteering our help. We have been sorting the ability of books from 2.0 to 6.9. Mr Faux has spent thousands of pounds on books, but if there is one we can’t find that we would like in the library, we can ask our teachers.