Dear All,

This week has been one of the most rewarding in the 17 years I have spent in Education as, on Friday, we had the allocation of the first students to West Bromwich Collegiate Academy. The outpouring of good wishes and happy families sharing the news on social media was a reflection of the fantastic, positive and enthusiastic community we are.

In the same week the Ministers at the Department for Education signed off our funding agreement, a major milestone and vote of confidence that we will be a strong, viable Academy.

It is my intention to write to this blog once a week now we have students and families as part of our community. This will give you some insights and keep you updated as we move towards opening in about 180 days.

Over the next week we are working on a series of items:

• Communicating with local primary schools to get information about our students.
• Finalising the uniform supplier.
• Shortlisting for the teaching vacancies we have advertised.
• Preparing welcome packs to send out to you in April.
• Continuing to work on the building.

The most common questions I have been asked by families this week are regarding the build. We do have confidence the building will be ready in September. I ask this every week and every week I am told we are on track. This week we should see the building enclosing giving us five months to work on the internal aspects. I will be on site on Friday 15th March and will be able to give you a full update and photos.

I am incredibly proud of the work we have done to get this far and look forward to meeting every one of you. Do feel free to contact me through the main Academy email or social media if there is anything you want to discuss.

Kind regards

George Faux