Internal Examinations

Mock Examinations

To help students to prepare for their final GCSE examinations, we conduct our KS4 mock examinations in exactly the same way as the final GCSE exams. This means that students know exactly what to expect and there are no surprise rules or expectations.

We do the following things to help students to prepare, and to reduce stress and uncertainty as much as possible:

  • We brief students on the exam rules and regulations at least once per academic year.
  • We provide students with their own copy of the Student Examination Handbook that contains all rules and regulations and Form Teachers spend time going through it.
  • We employ a well-trained team of expert invigilators who support students in following the regulations.

Exam TImetables

Year 11 Spring 2025 Mock Examinations begin on 24th February and last for just over two weeks. 

Morning exams begin at 9am and afternoon exams begin at 1:30pm.

Students must be seated in the examination room, ready to start before this.

Here is the Spring Mock Exam Timetable.