Revision and Preparing for Exams

Here you can access a copy of the information shared with Year 11 Parents and Carers at the start of term.

Year 11 Mock Results Day

On Friday 15th December we held a Mock Exam Results Day for Year 11. They received a statement of the mock results, to mimic the real results day in August. 

Students have also been given a revision starter pack of materials to support them with their continued revision. 

We know that for students, starting a revision programme is often the hardest part. Knowing where to start and what to focus on can be quite daunting. 

We have put together a suggested programme to help with this. 

Below are our weekly Year 11 Academy Homework Tasks.

All plans are emailed to students and families weekly and also uploaded to the Student Portal.

Each subject has provided around one hour of homework per week. These can be broken down into smaller chunks and interleaved between other subjects. You should take short breaks between these chunks of study time. 

The Maths homework has all been set on Sparx Maths for you.

There will also be work set on Seneca for a variety of subjects.

Teachers may set work in addition to this on the weekly plan.

Here you can find weekly Homework Plans for Year 11 students to follow.

Week 1 Homework Plan – 15-09-23

Week 2 Homework Plan – 22-09-23

Week 3 Homework Plan – 29-09-23

Week 4 Homework Plan – 06-10-23

Week 5 Homework Plan – 13-10-23

Week 6 Homework Plan – 20-10-23

Week 7 Homework Plan (Half Term) – 27-10-23

Break for Y11 Exams

Week 8 Homework Plan – 20-11-23

Week 9 Homework Plan – 27-11-23

Week 10 Homework Plan – 04-12-23

Week 11 Homework Plan – 11-12-23

Holiday Homework 2023

Homework Plan – 26-02-24